is unpredictable

Belinda HanLing Hazeeq Jooncheng JiaYing Jingxuan Kaijuan Nicola Shannon ShiMin WanYi YeeLing Yuqin Zhenhui Aletheia BaoBei Jane Mei <3 XiaoEn Belle Twinneh Anqi
Layout by 16thday ©
The name is Annabelle. Pronounced similar to Annabel not annabella.Dont be another dumb ass which mispronounce my name.Sorry if it offended you.
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She loves her clarinet
1H/2F/3F/4H/5Enthu/6Enthu/1/8 '10
Loving her gans.Bully them I'll piss you really really off.
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Don't make any judgement if me without even knowing my personality.And I can tell you you would change your judgement of me when you know more about me
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:08 PM

WTH damn pissed off by Lianghong and Howeng -.- Ass hole!
They keep irritating me with 'wo de (wadever) shi mei daoooooooooo' WTH so gay.
And with Aiyo sio embarrasing.
Lianghong keep doing the 'WEEEEEEEEEEE' Damn pekcek lorh sitting infront of them!!!
The both ass holes are damn freaking irritating.Than later after school that time,
Cherlyn ask me bend down,turn back and Howeng said " Aiyo so embarrasing" They are so lesbien or lesbian or wadever spelling larh.Walao so pissed off lorh :(
Irritating asses -.-
And another thing Lianghong keep " YOUR ASSSSSSSSSSSS" WTF -.- Danm freaking irritating lorh.
Shant mention about these bloody idiots which make me angry!!!
6:49 AM

Only telling some people my link wont tell so many at a time thanks to _______.Yeah some people should know esp Yeeling =)
Monday, April 19, 2010 5:08 PM

Lessons was enjoyable as expected =) But the only thing is that tio scolded by the DNT teacher -.- Haisssss made the blade for the machine spoil than teacher ask me demo how to repair the machine with a new blade =) I had a sudden phobia of the machine.
During english lessons Yijiang and Alwyn were squabbling as usual and than the teacher went through the komodo dragons.Dont know what happened in the middle and than teacher asked Alwyn to put his tongue on the yellow paper and yijiang placed his pen on the green paper. Than we proceeded with more Questions (with Howeng's accent) Than later distributed out the worsheet =) Than hor I walked past the bag and than I saw the paper have a hole OMG !!!!!!!!! Grosssssssssssssssssssssssss -.- yuckiessssssss . Yijiang was a usual complaining about the things that happen -.- Lame ass.Than teacher scold scold than Alwyn cried.Cry baby lorh.Little bit also cry.
Maths we were allowed to do anything we wanted =)
Than during the AS nth much larh.The cyberbullying workshop was the worst one lorh = (
I blurted out the ____ name = (Than lucky he never hear.Than Lianghong took howneg's metal thingy which contains of Howeng Loves ______ shant say out the name.Than lianghong threatened that he must say the name of the person I like.Than Howeng really go say out = (Now Lianghong know about it dont know whether will he spread anot = (Anyway byes =)
Saturday, April 17, 2010 10:19 PM

Spam stop spamming larh.You sucker larh.Low Life spam larh.Want anti me than you go other place larh.Ass hole.I have a feeling that I know who are you.Ass hole.

Today's post
Msn-ed with Yeeling and howeng last night =) Hope they wont tell out what I told them yesterday =) They are people which I can share joy and sorrow.They are always
on9 at the right time which I'm glad =) =) =)Hmph they give me support =) CBF is so DAMN important =)
Last night ___ sms-ed me.He told me that he like miss _____.Haha so funneh.Miss than say miss larh.Dont say until like that =)Hahas =) He also prank called me 6 times WTH!!!Which I'm kinda angry =) But nvm larh.
Was real sad lorh yesterday.The watch __ gave me spoilt =( =( =( anyways no use fretting over the watch.Thanks to Yeeling and Howeng they made me smile =) The rest were not on9 so didnt tell them about it =)
My parents they ask me cut lemon,I cut liao they scold say wasted the lemon.Than if I never cut the kbkb -.- WTH sucker lorh.
Anyways lazy to post liao byes byes byes =)
6:21 PM

Went to buy 2 more FBT today =) Bought 2 FBT 2 cotton on shorts Yeah today bought shorts nia never buy clothes =( hahas.Buy better than never buy lorh =) After buying FBT went to Grandmother house which was lame shit.It was so boring.Played computer there =) After that than chat chat with Howeng,Asyraf,Yuqin and Cherlyn through msn =) Asyraf dont sad larh =) We help you celebrate your birthday okays =) You suggest to us where you want celebrate larh =) But dont say expensive one horh.I not able to treat so expensive derh horh =) Birthdays are supposed to be fun.And fun is created by family and friends.Its funner celebrating your birthday with friends =) So you suggest a place and we go out together kays =) Thinking of what to buy for you now =) Anyway end of the post ASYRAF SUGGEST A PLACE AND WE WILL GO TOGETHER =)
Friday, April 16, 2010 9:16 PM

Lit lesson was damn funny siol.We were asked to perform the the Augustus Gloop -.- GOSH GOSH GOSH it was damn freaking stupid lorhs.Than TWY dont want than Mr.Lin ask us whole group do together.Haha.Shant crap so much.
Maths was quite okay.Mr Ng selected 5 ppl to perform the speed thingy so funny.Than I was selected to be the house.VERY LOL . LORH! Edwin and Cherlyn were students going into Alwyn Macdonalds -.- Than Yaying is the school so damn freaking funneh.
After performing went back to the seat.People Claps claps.
Than that ass hole howeng told me that lianghong say that I do the house thingy very cu_e WTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.WANNA KILL HIM.He should have just blurted in out derh larh.
Idiot lorh do the house thing where have cute -.- Diaos lorh.
Lunch =) Talked to Vivian senior for lunch.Counsel until I dont wanna quit band =)
Than International Friendship day we went to eat the Poland food.OMG very nice.Me and xiaoen shared 2 cakes =) it taste like heaven.Saw XuanYi there OMGGGGG.Environment club marh.Than we tasted the dishes.The cabbage wrapped with beef is nice.XuanYi was like so greedy!He ate so many stuff lorh.Than there's a saussage which one person can eat one only.Its delicious.And when the next group come they would have no more food to eat liaos.The Band and the Environment club eat all liaos =)Poor CO.
And yah.When on our way out,the ass hole HoWeng went to use his dizi go hit me siol.Damn hell pain lorh.After that kept cursing him!Haha.Very pain siol.Until now still pain!Shall stop crapping about that ass hole.
L8r we proceeded to the backyard for falling out.We did footdrills which totally shit.And that Daniel chose me to be the timer.Than keep 1,2 and 5,4,3,2,1 which rocks.And I was asked to fall out.Close the leg together than turn left bang.Than march out =) Haha kept repeating alot of times.Damn funny the squad keep laughing.Than take the attendance.From a nobody become a somebody.And that somebody was an IC OMGGGGGG haha had fun.Very funny lorhs!When marching back the most funny.Daniel keep make me do this do that.Haha wish to take more attendance next time.But I only remember the going out part not the going back part.
Had a good laugh today.ITS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER!
Thursday, April 15, 2010 7:24 PM

Science was damn hell ass boring like shit.Lucky we had the time to go out of the class to do the running thingy.And hor I was the commander.YaYing,YeeLing,Safar,WanYi,XiaoEn they all are the people doing those commands.I kept : CAN LAUGH IN A SQUAD!CAN SHOW YOUR TEETH IN THE AQUAD!CAN TALK IN THE SQUAD! THAN THEY ALL KEEP LAUGHING THAN I SAY LAUGHTER STOP!STOP LAUGHTER SORRY.Like hell lor.Joshua was like trying to kiss HoWeng!It was like OMFGGGGGG.So stupid lorh!!!Anyways shall move on to the next section of my post.

MT lessons was like damn hilarious!!!WanTing told me that she saw Sean's face on the newspaper.Actually it was the bigger size guy singing that Mr Lin saw us yesterday =) Walao like so damn funny.Than satted beside joshua today for MT.Asked him to remove the picture.Winston was so damn happy that he could sit near YeeLing!Hahas =)

After school went to Lot 1 with Tay WanYi,YuQin,YeeLing and Winston.Took 190 to lot 1.Slacked at KFC.At about 2.30 or wadever we went to buy food =) I ate Zinger =) Which taste worser than Macdonalds McSpicy alot.McSpicy is so much better.Saw Jenn Mei <3 at KFC with her greenridge jieh.Winston and YeeLing helped wanyi with her damn art.So baaaaaad have people help -.-And somemore so nice lorh.